| SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ | |
+6GiogIO Admin Somnio dark_velvet gio_leivadia10 #O_G# 10 απαντήσεις |
Συγγραφέας | Μήνυμα |
Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 284 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Levadia Voiotia Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Σαβ Απρ 19, 2008 2:08 pm | |
| Ελεάννα,αυτό το τραγούδι που έβαλες παίζει 15 φορές τη μέρα στο ραδιόφωνο.Δε το λέω για κακό,αλά επειδή ακούω και όλη μέρα σχεδόν ράδιο,το έχω ψιλοβαρεθεί.Στην αρχή μου άρεσε,αν και αυτό το στυλ δεν είναι και το αγαπημένο μου. Δυστυχώς εγώ δεν κερδίζω το γλειφιτζούρι,γιατί μου είπε ήδη τι είναι.Πάντως όσοι τον ξέρετε έστω και λίγο θα το βρείτε με λίγη σκέψη.Άντε!!Είναι ανεκτίμητης αξίας το έπαθλο!! | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 284 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Levadia Voiotia Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Σαβ Απρ 19, 2008 3:01 pm | |
| Οχι φουσκα δε γεννήθηκε το 1975...εκτός αν είναι στην δεύτερη κρυφη ζωή του κάποιος από τους παρακάτω,που γεννήθηκαν το 75: Κατερίνα Θάνου Ιεροκλής Στολτίδης Πέγκυ Ζήνα Βεσελίν Τοπάλοβ Ενρίκε Ιγκλέσιας Αντζελίνα Τζολί Θάνος Πετρέλης Μαριόν Κοτιγιάρ Κέιτ Γουΐνσλετ Αντώνης Βλοντάκης
Επίσης το 75 η 17 Νοέμβρη δολοφόνησε τον σταθμάρχη της CIA στην Αθήνα Ρίτσαρντ Γουέλς. | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 212 Ηλικία : 34 Location : thiva Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Σαβ Απρ 19, 2008 10:22 pm | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 171 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Trikala Registration date : 25/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Κυρ Απρ 20, 2008 1:04 pm | |
| to 75 prepei na gennithike kai o tsipras alla de nomizw...
asheto alla 10 iouliou sto rockwave ehei manu chao patti smith kati pou de thimamai twra kai 7 bands apo schoolwave. tha einai gamata....!!!!! | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 212 Ηλικία : 34 Location : thiva Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Κυρ Απρ 20, 2008 1:31 pm | |
| an afto einai protasi ego eimai mesa ... alla an thimamai kala kapoios me koroideve pou m arese o manu chao ...... | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 171 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Trikala Registration date : 25/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Κυρ Απρ 20, 2008 6:16 pm | |
| egw??? de thimamai... exalou fetos arhisa na akouw manu chao..
plaka tha ehei! telika tha mas peis ti einai afto to 75? | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 212 Ηλικία : 34 Location : thiva Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Κυρ Απρ 20, 2008 8:30 pm | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 171 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Trikala Registration date : 25/10/2007
| Θέμα: . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ..... . . . . . S O S Τετ Απρ 30, 2008 8:26 pm | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 212 Ηλικία : 34 Location : thiva Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Τετ Απρ 30, 2008 10:32 pm | |
| pote s tha ka potes tha kanei xasteriaaaaaaaaaaaaaa axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 212 Ηλικία : 34 Location : thiva Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Τετ Απρ 30, 2008 10:36 pm | |
| episis
Πάμε παρέα, αδερφέ μου, μη κάνεις κράτη. Το έχω άχτι να περάσω απ' τον συρμάτινο φράκτη και τον ήλιο να θαμπώσω για λίγο, να μη μας πάρουν χαμπάρι όσο θ' ανοίγω και θα πνίγω στης γης τα ρήγματα, τα πιο όμορφα κρίματα, ζωής θελήματα, της φτώχειας γεννήματα, μονάκριβα ποιήματα και δίπλα στα θύματα η παρέα μου ίχνη αφήνει, και πατήματα
Υο! Noi non vogliamo Bush, il figlio di papa. Non vogliamo questa guerra che ι contro l'umanita. Noi prenderemo il sole, il sole e la liberta, sulla spiaggia di Guantanamo il vento ci portera.
Τρομάξτε τους ήδη φοβισμένους δεσμώτες με λόγια και νότες κι οι ατσάλινες πόρτες ραγίζουν κι οι ταπεινοί τα ουράνια αγγίζουν, δυο πύρινα μάτια και πύργους γκρεμίζουν.
A Guantanamo in gabbia c' ι anche gente innocente, gente presa a caso che non c' entra niente. Dove sono i processi? Le prove? I diritti? Noi non stiamo zitti, non stiamo zitti.
Falso, falso, falso, falso grande capo, sei un capo solo col fucile puntato. Non ti rispetta piϊ nessuno ormai nel mondo. Guantanamo e la guerra non nascondono il tramonto.
Noi non vogliamo Bush e faraoni predatori, petrolieri ricoperti di rubini e ori. Noi non vogliamo Bush che coltiva il terrore - ultima spiaggia e speranza per restare al potere. Schiacciati in fondo al mondo come sardine eppure ancora vedi che l'umanita combatte e vive. Questo canto vola, oltre oceani e colline dove un nuovo mondo sorge e per voi c' ι scritto: "Fine".
Lets wonder, lets fly, lets find us in Guantanamo and free the fire.
Πάμε σαν διψασμένα πουλιά μέχρι το Γκουαντανάμο να πάρουμε τη φωτιά
How can we free the prisoners of war, from indefinite detention down in Cuba? I feel sorry for the innocent ones who suffer, so we dedicate this one to all world leader. If you live in a glass house, don't throw stones. What gives you the right to invade people's homes? Terrorism is something that we can't condone, but there is more than one reason why the towers came down.
Πάμε σαν διψασμένα πουλιά μέχρι το Γκουαντανάμο να πάρουμε τη φωτιά
Vamos aser lo imposible por una vez mas como embieja saga con un tripulacion puro la roja armada que viene de los sinquo orizontes del mundo. Curagaro deada da aqua y ensima las barreras enredal istorias nosostros quon allas de barro y las palabras ammos libertaremos el fuego en Guantanamo.
Je repense aux images des prisons de Guantanamo
Des hommes dans des cages, traitιs comme des animaux
En dιtention ' loin de Genθve et ses conventions
Certains sont innocents de toutes ces accusations
Faire subir aux autres ce qu'on n'aime pas subir
C'est comme ηa qu'ils poussent les terroristes ΰ agir
Je dis Attention !!! Car je sens monter la tension
Ces provocations auront de graves rιpercussions
Nos dirigeants passent leur temps ΰ semer le vent
Quand vient la tempκte, les tours tombent en miettes
Et qui ramassent les pots cassιs? C'est malheureusement
Nous toujours nous encore nous les innocents
Πάμε, φώναξε σ' όλους πως πάμε,
μιλάμε, αγαπάμε, νοιώθουμε και τα δεσμά τους σπάμε.
Ανταμώνουμε και σ' άλλη γλώσσα μιλάμε,
στου ονείρου την άκρη περνάμε.
Noi non vogliamo Bush, il figlio di papa. Non vogliamo questa guerra che ι contro l'umanita. Noi prenderemo il sole, il sole e la liberta, sulla spiaggia di Guantanamo il vento ci portera.
Non stiamo zitti...
Noi non vogliamo Bush...
Lets wonder, lets fly, lets find us in Guantanamo and free the fire. Πάμε σαν διψασμένα πουλιά
μέχρι το Γκουαντανάμο
να πάρουμε τη φωτιά.
Vamos como pajaros del fuego
en Guantanamo,
libertaramos el fuego
Des oiseaux volent vers les terres
De Guantanamo l'ξle de l'enfer
Πάμε σαν διψασμένα πουλιά μέχρι το Γκουαντανάμο να πάρουμε τη φωτιά.
Lets wonder, lets fly, lets find us in Guantanamo and free the fire. | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 171 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Trikala Registration date : 25/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Παρ Μάης 02, 2008 11:34 am | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 171 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Trikala Registration date : 25/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Παρ Μάης 02, 2008 11:52 am | |
| kai by the way(i tried to say i know you from before) wraio look...keep walking | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 67 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Argostoli - Kef/nia**** Registration date : 20/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Σαβ Μάης 03, 2008 10:41 am | |
| - gio_leivadia10 έγραψε:
- Οχι φουσκα δε γεννήθηκε το 1975...
Pw re! mou emeine kousouri to Fouska!!! oute ypervarH na Hmoun! Fouskitsa toulaxiston?..........gargalaei kalytera t ayti........
Gia na teleiwnoume......................
1975 - What happened in 1975 ?
January 1975
Tuesday 07:
OPEC agrees to raise crude oil prices by 10%.
Wednesday 08:
Ella Grasso becomes Governor of Connecticut, becoming the first woman to serve as a Governor in the United States who did not succeed her husband.
Wednesday 15:
Portugal grants independence to Angola.
Friday 17:
Bob Dylan releases Blood on the Tracks, often considered one of his best albums.
Saturday 18:
The Jeffersons debuts on CBS.
January 1975 February 1975
Sunday 09:
The Soyuz 17 Soviet spacecraft returns to Earth.
Friday 21:
Watergate scandal: Former United States Attorney General John N. Mitchell and former White House aides H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman are sentenced to prison.
Monday 24:
Hard rock band Led Zeppelin release the classic double album Physical Graffiti.
Friday 28:
A major tube train crash at Moorgate station, London kills 43 people.
February 1975 March 1975
Thursday 06:
Algiers Accord: Iran and Iraq announce a settlement over their border dispute.
Sunday 09:
Construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System begins.
Monday 10:
Vietnam War: North Vietnamese troops attack Ban Me Thout, South Vietnam, on their way to capturing Saigon.
Saturday 22:
In Stockholm, Sweden, Teach-In wins the twentieth Eurovision Song Contest for the Netherlands singing "Ding-a-dong."
Tuesday 25:
Faisal of Saudi Arabia is shot and killed by a mentally ill nephew.
March 1975 April 1975
Friday 04:
A United States Air Force C-5A Galaxy crashes near Saigon, South Vietnam shortly after takeoff, transporting orphans. 172 people are killed.
Saturday 12:
Khmer Rouge troops capture Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Monday 21:
Vietnam War: President of South Vietnam Nguyen Van Thieu flees Saigon, as Xuan Loc, the last South Vietnamese outpost blocking a direct North Vietnamese assault on Saigon, falls.
Tuesday 29:
Vietnam War: Operation Frequent Wind – The last U.S. citizens begin evacuation from Saigon prior to an expected North Vietnamese takeover. United States involvement in the war comes to an end.
Wednesday 30:
Communist forces gains control of Saigon. The Vietnam War formally ends with the unconditional surrender of South Vietnamese president Duong Van Minh.
April 1975 May 1975
Monday 12:
Mayagüez incident: The Cambodian navy seizes the American merchant ship SS Mayaguez in international waters.
Friday 16:
Junko Tabei becomes the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
Wednesday 28:
Fifteen West African countries sign the Treaty of Lagos, thus creating the Economic Community of West African States.
May 1975 June 1975
Thursday 05:
The UK holds its first and only UK-wide referendum, on remaining in the EEC
Tuesday 24:
An Eastern Airlines Boeing 727 crashes at John F. Kennedy Airport, New York. 113 people die.
Wednesday 25:
Mozambique achieved independence.
Thursday 26:
Indira Gandhi establishes authoritarian rule in India.
June 1975 July 1975
Saturday 05:
Cape Verde gains its independence from Portugal.
Wednesday 09:
The National Assembly of Senegal passes a law that will pave way for a (albeit highly restricted) multi-party system.
Friday 11:
Chinese archeologists discover a large burial site with 6,000 clay statutes of warriors from 221 BC.
Thursday 17:
History of East Timor: East Timor was annexed, and became the 27th province of Indonesia.
Thursday 31:
In Detroit, Michigan, Teamsters Union president Jimmy Hoffa is reported missing.
July 1975 August 1975
Saturday 02:
In New Orleans, Louisiana, the Superdome officially opens with an NFL football game between the New Orleans Saints and Houston Oilers.
Friday 15:
Miki Takeo makes the first official pilgrimage to Yasukuni Shrine by a sitting prime minister on the anniversary of the end of World War II.
Tuesday 19:
The cricket test match between England and Australia is called off after the pitch is vandalised by supporters of George Davis.
Saturday 23:
Successful Communist coup in Laos
Thursday 28:
Missionary Armand Doll is imprisoned in Mozambique by Marxist extremists.
August 1975 September 1975
Friday 05:
In Sacramento, California, a follower of incarcerated cult leader Charles Manson named Lynette Fromme attempts to assassinate U.S. President Gerald Ford, but is thwarted by a Secret Service agent.
Monday 15:
Pink Floyd releases the album Wish You Were Here in the US and UK.
Tuesday 16:
Papua New Guinea gains its independence from Australia.
Monday 22:
Sara Jane Moore tries to assassinate U.S. President Gerald Ford, but is foiled by Oliver Sipple.
Tuesday 30:
The Hughes (later McDonnell-Douglas, now Boeing) AH-64 Apache makes its first flight.
September 1975 October 1975
Wednesday 01:
Thrilla in Manila: Muhammad Ali defeats Joe Frazier in a boxing match in Manila, Phillipines.
Saturday 11:
Saturday Night Live debuts with George Carlin as the guest host.
Thursday 16:
The Balibo Five, a group of Australian television journalists based in the town of Balibo in the then Portuguese Timor (now East Timor), are killed by Indonesian troops.
Wednesday 22:
Gays in the military: US Air Force Tech Sergeant Leonard Matlovich, a decorated veteran of the Vietnam War, is given a general discharge after appearing in his Air Force uniform on the cover of Time magazine with the headline (printed in all uppercase) "I Am A Homosexual."
Thursday 30:
Prince Juan Carlos becomes King of Spain after dictator Francisco Franco concedes that he is too ill to govern.
October 1975 November 1975
Thursday 06:
The Sex Pistols play their first concert at St. Martin's School of Art in London.
Monday 10:
United Nations Resolution 3379: United Nations General Assembly approves a resolution equating Zionism with racism (the resolution was repealed in December 1991).
Tuesday 11:
Australian constitutional crisis of 1975: Australian Governor-General Sir John Kerr dismisses the government of Gough Whitlam and commissions Malcolm Fraser as caretaker Prime Minister, and announces a general election to be held in early December.
Friday 28:
As the World Turns and The Edge of Night, the final two American soap operas that had resisted going to pre-taped broadcasts, aired their last live episodes.
Saturday 29:
The name "Micro-soft" (for "microcomputer software") is used by Bill Gates in a letter to Paul Allen for the first time.
November 1975 December 1975
Monday 01:
The long-running soap opera The Edge of Night switches networks to ABC after 19 years on CBS.
Sunday 07:
Indonesia invades East Timor.
Wednesday 10:
Andrei Sakharov wins the Nobel Peace Prize. The prize is accepted by his wife, Yelena Bonner
Friday 26:
Tupolev Tu-144 goes into service in Soviet Union
Monday 29:
A bomb explodes at New York City's LaGuardia Airport killing 11.
December 1975 | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 212 Ηλικία : 34 Location : thiva Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Κυρ Μάης 04, 2008 4:45 pm | |
| ola afta ??? ooooooooooooo | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 67 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Argostoli - Kef/nia**** Registration date : 20/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Κυρ Μάης 04, 2008 6:20 pm | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 212 Ηλικία : 34 Location : thiva Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Πεμ Μάης 08, 2008 11:37 am | |
| tha meineis me thn agwnia tha to pw meta tis exetaseis etsi gia na exete kinitro na xanampeite ...sou to stelno me courier to glifitzouri sth kefalonia | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 171 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Trikala Registration date : 25/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Κυρ Μάης 11, 2008 6:08 pm | |
| siga to kinitro.....(plaka)
ti nea? vareta ta pragmata... | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 67 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Argostoli - Kef/nia**** Registration date : 20/10/2007
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 67 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Argostoli - Kef/nia**** Registration date : 20/10/2007
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 212 Ηλικία : 34 Location : thiva Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Δευ Μάης 12, 2008 9:24 pm | |
| o mara dolofonimenos sto mpanio tou ... ypografh somnio !! xaxa lol | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 212 Ηλικία : 34 Location : thiva Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Δευ Μάης 12, 2008 9:25 pm | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 67 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Argostoli - Kef/nia**** Registration date : 20/10/2007
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 171 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Trikala Registration date : 25/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Τετ Μάης 14, 2008 11:10 am | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 212 Ηλικία : 34 Location : thiva Registration date : 24/10/2007
| Θέμα: Απ: SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ Κυρ Μάης 18, 2008 4:02 pm | |
| grafoume reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ouf | |
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 67 Ηλικία : 34 Location : Argostoli - Kef/nia**** Registration date : 20/10/2007
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| SHOUTBOXxXxX! ++++++++++++++ | |